Small Group Coaching

Stop binge eating
& overeating
in 6 months or less

From the outside, life looks perfect. But internally, you’re…

  • Thinking about food every 27 seconds.

  • Sneaking food in bathrooms & hiding wrappers.

  • Scared of parties & holidays with SO MUCH food.

  • Binge eating. Restricting. All or nothing.

  • Attempting intuitive eating. Failing horribly.

  • Trying another food control method. ARGHHHHHH!

You know there has GOT to be a solution, but food is the 1 thing you just haven’t figured out.

I’ve been where you are…

  • No shame to my therapist, but I’m pretty sure she had never binged in her life. I felt like therapists just didn’t quite get me or why I was eating so much food.

  • While I acquired some useful tips along the way, I was never held accountable to implementing my knowledge. I stayed stuck in my same behaviors.

  • If you’ve ever tried “just listening to your body” and failed, ME TOO. Turns out, there was a whole bunch of essential steps I was missing before it was possible for me to become an “intuitive eater”

For years, I was stuck hopelessly binge eating & overeating. I wanted to get out of the daily food struggle, but nothing was working. I tried…

…until I found COACHING!

The missing piece in everything I tried was MINDSET. I needed to understand WHY I was wanting to eat so much freaking food in the first place! Once I understood that, I was able to go from a binge eater to a confident eater and get back to living my best life.

Your life as a normal eater…

  • Never need to google “how to stop binge eating” again

  • Feel in control around ALL foods (even your grandma’s famous chocolate chunk cookies)

  • Travel the world without fear of going overboard

  • Eliminate food distraction at work

  • Stay at the same clothing size all year round

  • End the brain fog

  • Have extra cash from buying less food

  • Actually stick to the eating habits you desire

Now I’m here to give you the same
mind blowing eating transformation


The Confident Eater GROUP

A 6 month group coaching program for binge eaters & overeaters

Weekly 1 Hour Video Calls

We’ll come together live to tackle and solve your eating issues from a brain based, psychological perspective. Calls will alternate between a specific teaching lesson and open coaching time. I designed it this way to give you both structure and personalized support.

Unlimited Support

You will be added to a private facebook group where I will answer any & all of your questions so you never have to stay & confused.

Lessons & Worksheets

Get the ESSENTIAL tools I used in my food freedom journey to deepen you learning and knowledge.


You will have a monthly progress tracker that I’ll be checking to make sure you stay on track with your goals.

BONUS: TWO Private Calls

Get personalized 1-1 feedback during a 30 min call in months 2 & 4. Perfect to troubleshoot & accelerate your success!


Registration opens May 20th and closes midnight May 24th!

Here’s exactly how you’ll do it…



In order to join, book a 45 minute free consultation call with me to ensure you are a good fit in the group. Click below to schedule.


  • The calls will be every Thursday at 11am MT.

  • Not a problem, all calls will be recorded so you can watch at your convenience AND you get unlimited, personalized support in our private facebook group to get every question answered!

  • Because this is my founding members group, I am capping the total at 10 people so you will NOT be just a number in a group of 100’s of members. Additionally, I will be giving you a monthly progress tracker that I will be checking to make sure you stay on track! It’s going to be so fun to get to know each other personally!

Client Success

1 month in, I'm realizing I rarely eat until I'm stuffed or physically uncomfortable in any way anymore. -S.Y.

I no longer binge and have reached body acceptance. I've been able to make progress towards a better relationship with food. The program was awesome! I'm so grateful! -L.M.



  • If you have a human brain & you are committed, yes!

    The Confident Eater Program is different from any nutrition tip, diet, or advice you’ve heard before. This is DEEP mindset coaching. We work from the inside out to change the thoughts within your brain. This literally creates a new you so the work we do will be permanent!

    I actually have a GUARANTEE that you will learn the tools to stop binge eating & heal your relationship with food. How you apply these tools and show up is within your power, but the only way this won’t work is if you give up.

  • Have you really, truly, actually tried EVERY possible solution?

    I totally get your frustration that nothing has worked yet. But if you throw your hands up and say there’s no way out, you’ll stop yourself from ever finding the solution.

  • Maybe! This is not a weight loss program, buttt… if you stop overeating & binge eating, your weight will likely go down or at least stabilize. We focus on creating eating habits you LOVE which makes your life so much better than a quick, temporary weight loss goal.

  • I want you to have an ample amount of time to overcome the YEARS (or decades) you’ve spent in your current eating habits AND know how to maintain your progress forever.

    It’s not unusual for my clients to completely stop binge eating within 2 months together. If this happens to you, we focus on making sure your new habits are rock solid, improving other areas of your health, and giving you a total life transformation. It’s so fun for me to be able to give you the gift of life coaching too!

  • Yep! Labels aren’t important to me. Simply put, I specialize in helping people who feel like they eat too much food and want to change that.

I have completely stopped overeating. It's no longer an option available to me. Because of that, I am no longer bloated 24/7 or experiencing the annoying GERD symptoms like I used to. My identity as a confident eater is my new normal. -M.E.

Before, I binged often, almost four days out of seven. I felt I couldn't be trusted with sweets if any kind. Now, I recognize and listen to my body signals. Amber's very positive and understanding! -C.T.

I feel like I’m getting control back, not just for ‘healthy’ food, but for all food! -Charlotte

Megan’s testimonial

Watch part 1 & 2 of her life changing experience in the program.


I am so confident in your ability to change that if you don’t make progress to stop binge eating & overeating, I will refund you every penny. Nothing to risk and everything to gain.

Here’s how it works: Every month, you will have a progress tracker where you rank how you’re doing in a few key areas (such as how well you can moderate all foods). As long as you do the monthly tracker and get coaching either live or in our private facebook group, this guarantee applies.

Charlotte’s testimonial

See how she completely stopped binge eating & lost weight after 20+ years of struggling.

Ready to begin?

Book your free consultation call below.

*No online checkout is offered - I want to make sure this is truly right for you before completing your purchase.